On Aug 4th 2016, Indian Government certified Lab #32 analyzed Kriya brand Humulus samples and verified them to be Humulus species containing CBD. Recently, a leading third party lab in USA, also tested Kriya brand Humulus samples and verified them to contain Humulus species with CBD.
Our product has been in commercial production since 2016 and has been a significant competitor to the Hemp industry. On, or about, Feb 26 2019, Potnetwork Holdings published an extremely defamatory and libelous article about us. The entire material parts of the libelous statements are false.
On May 2 2019 we filed a $30 million lawsuit against Brandon Dorfman and Potnetwork Holdings for 1) Defamation and Libel 2) Trade Libel 3) International Interference With Economic Advantage 4) Negligent Interference With Prospective Economic Advantage 5) Invasion of Privacy- False Light 6) Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and 7) Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress.
The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court and the Case Number is 19STCV15296.